Youth Team


Regular Forms

This Friday

Do a health check on your hearts, souls, and minds:

HEART – our desires: motivations, words, actions

1-10, whats the health of your heart and why?

What are good habits that keep your heart healthy?

What are bad habits for your heart health?

Where does loving Jesus fit into heart health?

Is there anything specific you can change that will lead to healthier heart?

SOUL – who we are: self-esteem, character, integrity

1-10, whats the health of your soul and why?

What are good habits that keep your soul healthy?

What are bad habits for your soul health?

Where does loving Jesus fit into soul health?

Is there anything specific you can change that will lead to healthier soul?

MIND – the interface between the outside world and your heart/soul. What we feed our minds shapes the rest of us. 

1-10, whats the health of your mind and why?

What are good ‘foods’ to feed your mind?

What are bad ‘foods’ for your mind?

Where does loving Jesus fit into mind health?

Is there anything specific you can change that will lead to healthier mind?

Who have you been praying for and intentionally looking for an opportunity to invite to youth? How’s it going?

Pray for each other.

Recharge/Team Notes

Devos for Meetings

Keep it short!
60 secs is all that is needed – one key point/takeaway
Keep it real!

Bring something from your personal devotional time – we’re all leaders who are
engaging with personal devotions right?
Keep it encouraging!

How are your words encouraging the team and setting up the night?
Suggested outline:
1 – Read the verse/quote and mention where you found it
2 – What was God saying to you through this? (1 point only)
3 – How can we apply this to our ministry?

Team Notes

Youth Team WINS!

Faith Convos – Not every conversation needs to be about faith, but we are missing the point if none of our conversations are.

Follow Up – Follow up shows that we care about each and every person

Family – Meet/talk to parents – they entrust their youth to us, so connecting them to us and to the church is a major win!

Friday + – Whether we use any of ‘The other 166 hours of the week’ to connect with our youth shows them we actually care.

Three Hallmarks of the Gateway Youth Team

We are Jesus first – how are you putting Jesus first?
– In our preparation – turning up in a good place spiritually as much as we can
– In our example to our youth – we don’t shy away from this 
– In how we operate both on Friday nights and with our youth at other times – sensitive, listening – and obedient

We are Team Gateway – are you on the team?
– In our preparation – we bring our best, we do what we say we will do
– In our example to our youth – we bring them on the journey of serving – and we’re Team Gateway outside of Youth
– In how we operate on Friday nights – eagerly fill the needs of the night, fill gaps organically

We value people – did you value that person?
– In our preparation – we keep track of the youth calendar and we’re on time
– In our example to our youth – we teach them to value others both actively, in the example we set, and by bring them with us – We turn up!
– In how we operate on Friday nights – we notice who and what is around us and we acknowledge and fill needs

Ongoing team links